So yesterday as I was trolling the internet for my regular dose of fashion inspiration, my fiance looked over my shoulder and made a comment about my complete discrimination against men's fashion. Why is it that every fashion post is about something for you? What about the current trends for your better half? It did get me thinking and if I have to be honest I would say the reason is that in observing the average male shopper at work I am left quite uninspired.
About 8 or so months ago I was beckoned by an older couple for assistance. The husband was heading back to the office after running his own business for over 10 years and was in desperate need for appropriate attire. Laughing the wife mentioned that although the new work environment was a bit more casual than other places, his current uniform of boxers, sweats and old t-shirts will no longer do. And before I could ask him what he was looking for he firmly told me. Pleated and cuffed dress slacks, a few dress shirts and possibly a tie or two. I pretty much didn't hear a word after pleated as my mind was baffled by the request. When I did manage to catch up and comprehend the second pant detail request I almost imploded. Those two together should be some sort of humanitarian crime. He continued on telling me how it's been difficult trying to find such specific pants (I bet) and wanted to know if I had any suggestions since we were clean out. And yes, by clean out I am implying that we do in fact carry such atrocities.
After talking about the gradual switch many stores have taken to a flat front and slimmer cut pant selection, I hinted that maybe he at least give the new fit a try. His wife agreed and continued to make fun of his choice but he was sooooo stubborn. Every excuse was given from not being young enough, fit enough or tall enough to pull of such form fitting pants. I asked him if he was confusing skinny with slim fit because a major difference was there and despite me offering up many of them he was still sold on his choice. I tried to no end (particularly because the wife was as against those deplorable pant as I was) but nothing could change his mind. Unfortunately, after leaving me and my flat front pants from Dockers ( the least offensive and most familiar brand to someone with that kind of request) he found the one sales associate who knew exactly where to look for the pleated/cuffed the stockroom where I had conveniently placed the clearance goods to make way for the increasing slim fit selection.
It is that exact customer who I tend to think of when I think men's fashion and I'm always left asking why bother. Saying this greatly offends my fiance as he feels (and rightly so I will add) that his level of fashion risk taking is pretty high. His wardrobe is quite the mix of seasonless finds and fresh fashion picks from staple button downs in an array of colorful plaids to the not so occasional pair of Ralph Lauren leather pants. He would be the polar opposite of that customer and because of this I spent my inspiration trolling on all things guys.
My baby patiently waiting for me to finish oohing and ahhing over the door knobs in Anthropologie |
Despite summer finally acting like itself, I've already witnessed long sleeve tops filter their way onto our floors at work which means that Fall is right around the corner. So in the spirit of the upcoming season and in celebration of my fiance's favorite time of the year here's to Fall 2012 and some of the trends our better halves should give a go. First up is...
One thing I noticed consistantly from so many designers was a heavy play on textures within a look. From Alexander Wang, To Acne to Dior Homme, they all incorporated a variety of fabrics like heavy wools and leather to hairy sweaters and nylon into their pieces. This was especially true when the look consisted of an all ablack pairing.
Now I don't see my fiance rocking a bejeweled sleeve parka coat with a super soft (doesn't it look it) lining or opting for the extremely slim cut pants featured in most of these looks but there is quite a lot of distinct tips we can all walk away with and find ways to interject them into our better half's closet....regardless of his fashion risk level.
Simply put, add more materials outside of the usual denim and...well...more cotton. Leather and wool are an easy option even if leather pants are out of the question. Try pairing a leather vest over a heavy knit sweater all under a jacket and with his favorite jeans...or maybe something of a waxed variety. How about the waxed denim with a heavy knit and a quilted nylon jacket. Or a denim jacket over a wool/tweed vest and button down. The options are really endless and if you have a pretty daring partner I would definitely go for the
Wool Mohair Sweater from Dsquared 2 featured under the nylon bomber. For some reason I love that rust color against the khaki green.
Another cool option would be to look for tops that incorporate a few different materials. Maybe a patchwork shirt or button down with a leather collar or pocket. The last idea is such a great DIY and what guy could say no to something made just for him by his loving partner.
So here's to my loving guy and his great blog topic and look forward to a few other posts spotlighting trends that peak his interest....outside of the body con dress trend. That one he was interested in.
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